Friday, October 11, 2013

Rehab: Day 3

I realize these posts are probably getting boring to most people.  How many different angles can one post of their experience in rehab?  I'm not sure, but I'm finding out!  :)  Regardless, thank you for letting me post them anyway.  To us, these pictures are victories.  They are hard work.  They are images of the grace of God.

Here's a glimpse of today:

*Today's shirt is brought to you by Transformers.  A friend gave it as a gift.  Jon loves it. 
 God is transforming him - inside and out.  Cheesy.  But it's true.  :)

Jon's eye is very sensitive to light and to air, so sometimes he needs to wear shades even indoors.  
Yup, he's one of "those" guys.  ;)

Jon went up and down a flight of stairs!  TWICE!  
(Why twice? Well, because the therapist asked Jon to do them once.)   ;)  

We're now cuddling in his hospital bed.  We keep his room pretty dark, thus the grainy pic.  
But still wanted to capture the best part of our day.  ;) 


  1. Walk faster I'm coming with the chimes! LOL! Your doing great brother.... Praying!

  2. Never boring, Deanna!! Each milestone is a precious victory! These pics remind me so much of when my Honey was rehabing from his plane crash nearly five years ago. Facebook & blogging were so new at that time. Wish I'd had this great way to document Len's progress. Thankfully, I had my iPhone that helped me keep track of those moments and milestones! :o)

  3. NOTHING about what you are blogging is boring!!

  4. Don't stop blogging girl! I LOVE seeing this, no, no these huge victories. I know that you have been IN it, but when you think about it, it hasn't even been 2 weeks and look what Jon has accomplished. This is such a blessing and a gift to share with you both. Kuddos to you, wifey!!

  5. This is not boring! I look everyday to see if you posted, to see how we can pray more specifically, to see how we can praise and give glory!

    My husband and I have been through a very long rough-relatioship-patch but have recently reconciled. We love praying for you and Jon, celebrating with you from afar and seeing an amazing relatioship that we can aspire to have, even in the midst of tragedy. A marriage relationship and a Relationship with God.

    keep posting!!!

  6. NOT. BORING! Keep posting! Love you!

  7. Keep the updates coming! I enjoy reading each one.
