Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Rehab: Day 1

Today was Jon's first day in rehab. What an amazing experience to see my hubby work so hard. Today I heard things from the therapists like, "Wow, I've never had anyone have this much strength on the first day!" and "Um, you're the only guy I've seen be able to do a reach that far." So basically, I'm trying to say my husband truly is a rock star. :) When they ask him to do 5 reps, he does 10. When they tell him he did good, he asks for another shot at making it great. Cue Rocky soundtrack. For reals.

Meanwhile, the staff is asking him what the word "Shalom" means, written on his shirt. So he's talking to them about God's peace and things "as it should be" and other Shalom-y goodness. ;) It couldn't get more awesome, right? 

Oh wait. Then this happened. 

I brought Jon his Baby Taylor and he played for the first time post surgery. The song? Healer. Oh man. So good. But so emotional.  Song 2 was the old "Never Let Go." That one about did us in. 

"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes, still I will praise You. Still I will praise You."

Nothing more need be said. 
We praise Him.


  1. wow! that's all i can say is, wow!

  2. AMAZING!!!! Thank you Jesus for restoring Jon's body and doing it in a way that brings you glory. You are amazing!!!

  3. Praise God!!! You have no idea how much your news updates bless us. We are blown away by what God is doing through Jon and you! God is good...ALWAYS!!!

  4. This makes my heart sing with you. Tears too. //Ines

  5. Oh to be there for that worship amazing.

  6. I was so happy and so proud of his hard work...and then you had to throw in the guitar pic. Yikes! Now I can't see cause I've got too many tears. I know God is good. I KNOW God is SO good, but every day you share more and He just outdoes Himself!

  7. So, so good. Thank you for sharing. As an audiologist I have to check. Did Jon ever get his hearing tested pre-op, post-op? I can bring equipment to you guys, and we'd love to see you. So whenever he's ready, let me know. We love you guys and you are so strong.

    1. Oh man, we wish. The neurosurgeon said he wanted to test Jon so bad before surgery, just because he was curious. But he said Mission doesn't have any dept like that on site. We're pretty confident Jon's hearing is 100% gone. But of course you could bring equipment - if it's not too hard! I'd be curious to know now for sure....

  8. ...can you picture it...I'm doing my "happy dance"!!! Jon's success made me think of this verse: "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". Psalm 37:4 Hope you're doing better too, Deanna. Hugs :)

  9. Amazing. Passing along your blog to the Wertz family. Praying and sending love.

  10. Deanna,
    I do not know you or your family but I saw your story on a friend's facebook page the day before Jon's surgery. I have been thinking of you and your family ever since. I am so glad to see how God is moving and how you are seeing him in the midst of the mess. It seems to be where he likes to really show up and show off... I pray that he continues to do so in big ways. I just finished nursing school and got to do many clinical days at Mission, including ARU. It is such a great facility with some fabulous nurses and therapists. I am glad that you are able to be blessed by them and they, in turn, get to be blessed by you and your family. Thank you for choosing to share your story.

  11. Deanna. I have been reading your blog and I just wanted to tell you how blessed I have been by your words and your example of living life out loud. I don't know your family personally, but I went to APU and was in University Choir with your sister Melanie. I am even pretty sure that I attended her wedding when I was doing a summer tour with a small group from APU. I think it was at Church of the Chimes in San Jose (where my mom attends now). Anyway, please know that God is being glorified through your lives and your story is powerful. I weep as I read your blog posts. good tears. blessings to you and your family. -Beth Gardner-Smith
