Saturday, March 29, 2014

No MRI Results Yet...

Just a quick update to let you know that Jon's neurosurgeon got called into surgery last minute on Thursday...  Right before Jon's appointment to go in and get his 6 month MRI results... and Jon's appointment was cancelled.  So no MRI results yet.  The nurse that called said that the MRI results cannot be given over the phone - only in the in-person appointment.  She rescheduled Jon's appointment for this Monday, March 31st at 4:15pm.  We would love if you would continue to pray for beautiful, healthy results. 

Also, Jon is on day 7 in a row of extreme eye pain.  :(  He has struggled with eye pain off and on since surgery - some days are better or worse than others.  He's also had weeks where he has had minimal pain.  But a week ago, Jon's eye pain came on strong and has not let up.  It has been heartbreaking.  I have seen my husband frustrated at times, but never as much as this past week.  The pain kept him from a really important event Friday night that he had been looking forward to for months.  Jon was miserable and frustrated and mad and annoyed and sad and... all the emotions you would expect.  Would you pray that the pain would subside?  Would you pray that he would get some relief?  

Thank you.  We are grateful.
We will share the MRI results on Monday.....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of Jon's incredible discomfort. My brother had a stroke a bit ago and recently developed eye pain. Of course we thought it was going to be related to stroke onset type things, clot, pressure, or something entirely new like a tumor. But, his scans came back showing absolutely nothing. One doctor suggested it might be shingles. Treating his eye aggressively with antiviral drops many times a day has done the trick. Doctors are agreeing now that it was probably a case of shingles in his eye. Fortunately, his eyesight is returning. Thankful for the ER doctor who thought this was a possibility, none of the others had heard of such a thing. We are blessed. ---Liz Neipp
